
Register of the Publications (Papers and Articles), Reports and Learning Materials authored by prof. Yoshiyuki Nagata

‘Climate Change Education at the Asian Rural Institute: Attempts toward the transformation of values, behaviour and lifestyle’(Co-authors: Y. Oyanagi and W. Kanda) 2020.pp.2-11.

'A Critical Review of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Japan: Beyond the Practice of Pouring New Wine into Old Bottles' (author). Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook. No. 11. pp. 29 - 41.

Publisher: Japanese Educational Research Association

'Formal ESD in Japan: Dissolving walls between classroom and community' (Co-auther: Jane Singer). Jane Singer, Tracy Gannon, Fumiko Noguchi and Yoko Mochizuki (eds.) Educating for Sustainability in Japan: Fostering resilient communities after the triple disaster. 2016. pp. 27 -35.

Publisher: Routledge

'Fostering Alternative Education in Society: The Caring Communities of "Children's Dream Park" and "Free Space En" in Japan' (author). Helen E. Lees and Nel Noddings. (eds.) The Palgrave International Handbook of Alternative Education. pp. 241 - 256.

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

A Synthetic Study on Sustainability and Resilience of Education in Asian Countries

Publisher: JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

‘Okayama Declaration of the UNESCO Associated Schools in Japan: Achievements and Issues of ESD in Japan.’ UNESCO Associated Schools in Japan as Bases for Promoting ESD: Current Status and Way Forward. pp. 198-206.

Publisher: Tokyo: ACCU (Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO)

‘International Understanding Through Sharing Common Issues: Pondering Sustainable Development in the Goto Islands: Young Leaders in Different Countries Understand Each Other from Their Experiences of Sharing and Exchanging’. (SangSaeng「相生」).

Publisher: Seoul: APCEIU

Tales of HOPE II: Innovative Grassroots Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Asia and the Pacific. (Editor: Y. Nagata). pp. 1-191.

Publisher: ACCU (Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO)

Alternative Education: Global Perspectives Relevant to the Asia-Pacific Region. pp. 1-219.

Publisher: Springer

‘Reconsideration of Education for International Understanding (EIU): Towards Re-construction of EIU in the Age of Globalization’. Olga D. Dobrnjič, et al. (eds.). Comparative Pedagogy: Selected Topics. pp. 32-46.

Publisher: Slovenia: University of Maribor, Croatian Future Society Rijeka.

Alternative Education: An International Perspective.FUIIE Research Collection Number 15. pp. 1-211.

Publisher: Adelaide: Shannon Research Press.

‘Education for Peace and International Understanding’ (Co-auther: G. R. (Bob) Teasdale). John P. Keeves and Ryo Watanabe (eds.). International Handbook of Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Part I. Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association. pp. 641-653.

Publisher: Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

‘Educational Research for Policy and Practice in Japan – With Particular Reference to Youth Education’. (Co-authors: T. Numano, M. I. Abumiya). Colin Power (ed.-in-Chief). Educational Research for Policy and Practice. Vol. 1. Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association & Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development. Dordrecht: pp.35-50.

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Prospect and Retrospect of Alternative Education in the Asia-Pacific Region--Report of the International Seminar for the Development of Alternative Education: Sharing Experiences among ‘Free School’ Educators in Asia and the Pacific. (Eds.) [Co-editor: Ramu Manivannan]

Publisher: NIER.

‘Sociology of Alternative Education: "Publicness" Generated from Diversity’. (Co-author: Eiji Kikuchi) Prospect and Retrospect of Alternative Education in the Asia-Pacific Region-Report of the International Seminar for the Development of Alternative Education: Sharing Experiences among ‘Free School’ Educators in Asia and the Pacific. July pp. 89-114.

Publisher: NIER.

A Synthetic Study on Sustainability and Resilience of Education in Asian Countries

Publisher: JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

Creation of 'ESD Communities' in Urban and Rural Areas (Teaching and Learning Materials for ESD Promotion in Lao PDR: 4 Booklets, 5 Videos, 1 Poster in Lao and English languages). (ed.)

Publisher: Graduate School, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo

‘Youth-Led, Cross-Border Collaborative Radiation Measurement Project: Results and Issues’. (Co-author: Naoko Yoshida). The Journal of the Victorian Association for Environmental Education. EINGANA. Vol. 36, No. 3. (ed. by I. Sutherland). pp. 7-9.

Publisher: Victoria Association for Environmental Education (VAEE)

Youth-Led, Cross-Border Collaborative Radiation Measurement Project. (ed.). (Research-in-Grant Report by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. (No. 20402062)

Publisher: JSPS

Basic Study for Building a “Broader ESD Model” for Developing Countries with Creation and Dissemination of Related Muti-media Materials: Project Report. (ed.). pp. 1-93. (FY 2010 Official Development Assistance Grants for UNESCO Activities, Exchange and Cooperation Program for Promotion and Development of the Education, Science and Technology and Culture of Developing Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region)

Publisher: University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo

‘Analysis of “HOPE” Evaluation Approach Survey Questionnaire Results and Key Issues – Concerning the ACCU-UNESCO Asia-Pacific Innovation Programme for ESD’ (Empowering People through Evaluation for a Sustainable Future – Final Report on the “HOPE” Evaluation Mission on the ACCU-UNESCO Asia-Pacific Innovation Programme for Education for Sustainable Development –). pp. 109-167.

Publisher: Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU)

Roots and Wings: Fostering Education for Sustainable Development – Holistic Approaches towards ESD - : Final Report of International Workshops and Symposium: Holistic Approaches towards Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Nurturing “Connectedness” in Asia and the Pacific in an Era of Globalization. (Eds.: Y. Nagata and J. Teasdale)

Publisher: Japan Holistic Education Society / Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU)